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   GSA Auto SoftSubmit
Autom. submit your PAD to thousands of archives and directories.
   Boat Sales Organizer Deluxe
Boat sales management software for boat sellers, dealers, brokers, private.
   Round-Robin Mailer
Windows software for distributing email leads to a sales staff.
   Car Sales Catalog Deluxe
Car cataloging management software for an automobile salesperson.
   Car Sales Organizer Deluxe
Customer management system for car sales person.
   GSA Buchhalter
Software for all who need a simple single-entry accounting solution.
   EasyBilling Maker of Sales Document
Professional maker of Quotations, Invoices, Receipts, and Delivery Note.
   Cash Register Log
Track sales and missing money in cash register
   Autoidea PowerDrive
Customizable POS for Mobile Phone Retailers & Repairers
   Snappy Invoice System
Prepare, print, fax, and e-mail invoices fast and easy.
   Invoice Template for Excel
An invoice template for Excel with order and inventory tracking and sales report
   dotConnect for Salesforce
ADO.NET Provider for Salesforce with Entity Framework and SSIS Support
   MarketBuddy Windows
Market any Product on the Internet.
ActiveBooks automatically emails financial reports from QuickBooks
   EQMS Professional
EQMS is a simple Ready to use Sales CRM to automate and streamline your sales
   Akeni Live Help 123 - Corporate IM
Akeni Live Help 123 integrates with Corporate IM or Social Networking Software
   Akeni Help Desk Assistant Enterprise IM
Akeni Help Desk Assistant can be used with Akeni Enterprise Instant Messaging IM
Point of Sale & Credit Card Processing Software for your Business
   Billing Organizer Pro
Billing software is for anyone who bills for labor, service and/or material.
   Car Dealer Organizer Pro
Car Dealer management database software for Windows.

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