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For The Record 3.05

For The Record is a Windows based software that helps organize your record albums, cassette tapes, CDs, DVDs, and videotapes quickly and effectively. The software allows you to enter the artist names, record albums for each artist and associated song titles into the database. You also specify the label maker of the album, the album category (Classical, Country, etc), the sleeve condition of the album, the record condition and its market value. The software is easy to use. It has the same look and feel as Microsoft Windows Explorer as it presents all keyed information in a tree hierarchy. The tree hierarchy provides you with a quick way to assess what you have without physically accessing the albums. You can rename and delete the keyed entries for management of such information. The software has many features that make it powerful yet user friendly. Features such as the Find command so the database can be searched to locate the albums and song titles and the Print command so index reports can be printed. For The Record eliminates the manual task of sorting and organizing your music albums, prevents the potential of miss-placing a record, provide a quick way of finding your records. You can print an up-to-date index list for each artist, record and song titles. Use this report for your record keeping and you may present it to your insurance company for insurance purposes. Download and try a copy free for 30 days.

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Program Details

Released: 2002-10-31
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 702
License Type: Commercial
Platform: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP
Price: $29.95 US

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