Free Software Downloads::Games & Entertainment::Puzzle & Word Games::Lexterity

Lexterity 1.0

Lexterity screenshot

Lexterity is a crossword making puzzle game. Must for a word puzzle fans.

Lexterity is a crossword making board game, where you fill a grid with letters, based on crossword making rules. Single player logical word game, suitable for all ages. The game comes in two modes to make it more interesting. The same seven mode has elements of Arcade Scramble Game (Also released by Yoogi Games). You have to use the same seven letters throughout a game, and try to find all word combinations with those seven letters, and place all the words in the grid. It is quite challenging. Even if you finish 70-80% of the game, you get the satisfaction of solving a puzzle. The letter-rack (100 letters) mode is like any other crossword puzzle making game, you use random letters to fill the grid with meaningful words (two letter words to 15 letter words).

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Program Details

Released: 2005-04-07
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 281
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win98,Windows2000,WinXP
Price: $19.95 US

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