Free Software Downloads::System Utilities::System Maintenance::Bootpart

Bootpart 2.60

Bootpart screenshot

BootPart is a tool for adding partitions in the WinNT/2K/XP multi boot menu

BootPart is an easy tool for adding one partition in the Windows NT multi boot menu (by samples, OS/2 boot manager or Linux partition). Bootpart 2.60 is compatible with Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. BOOTPART lets you add partitions in the Windows NT/2K/XP Multiboot menu. Usually, you only have an MSDOS or Windows 95 entry and one (or several) entries on the Windows NT multiboot. With BOOTPART, you can add any partition on the menu. You can add OS/2 Multiboot, or Linux Partition (with Lilo) in the menu. You can also restore the Dos, Windows 95/98/Me or NT Bootloader boot sector on Fat partition. BOOTPART creates a 512 bytes file which contains an image of a boot sector that loads the boot sector of the partition. After, this file is declared in C:\BOOT.INI (a text file used by Windows NT boot menu). The boot sector comes from FDFormat and WinImage. The version 2.60 has now very cool feature : repair Windows NT loader boot sector on Fat partition (but Bootpart cannot the repair under Windows NT/2K/XP), easily add both MS-Dos 6.22 and Windows 95 in boot menu, support FAT32 and disk over 4 GB, and LBA addressing...

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Program Details

Released: 2005-08-01
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 266
License Type: Freeware
Platform: WinNT 3.51,WinNT 4.x,WinXP,Windows2000

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