Free Software Downloads::Games & Entertainment::Puzzle & Word Games::Escape

Escape 5.8.08

Escape is a tile-based puzzle game in the style of "Adventures of Lolo" or "Chip's Challenge." Unlike either of those games, Escape doesn't rely at all on reflexes--it's all about your brain. The game is played on a grid in which the player must manipulate blocks, lasers, switches, and other devices in order to reach the exit. Of course, this is more easily said than done! Although Escape comes with hundreds of levels, the game places an emphasis on the composition of new puzzles. Thus Escape has a built-in level editor and facilities for automatically sharing puzzles with other players.

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Program Details

Released: 2005-08-08
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 215
License Type: Freeware
Platform: Win 3.1x,Win95,Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP

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