Free Software Downloads::Security & Privacy::Encryption Tools::A-PDF Restrictions Remover

A-PDF Restrictions Remover 1.9.4

A-PDF Restrictions Remover screenshot

Remove password and restrictions of PDF files in a few seconds.

Do you have a PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file which cannot be printed, copied, or edited? Your PDF file has had password security and other restrictions added.With A-PDF Restrictions Remover, you can remove the password and restrictions in a few seconds. A-PDF Restrict Remover is extremely easy to use. Just right click the PDF file in Windows Explorer, and in the context-sensitive menu that pops up, select either the "Remove Restrictions" or "Remove Restrictions & Save as..." option. In just a few seconds, you will have a PDF file with no restrictions. You can edit, print, copy, and more with your PDF files. It also support password pool to let you do not repeate to input passwords. FREE 15 day trial and only $9.99.

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Program Details

Released: 2012-06-01
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 360
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003,Win98,WinME
Price: $9.99 US

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