Free Software Downloads::Audio & Multimedia::Video Tools::Eztoo AVI Video Converter

Eztoo AVI Video Converter 1.00.02

Eztoo AVI Video Converter screenshot

Convert WMV TO AVI, mpeg to AVI, MKV to AVI, Video To AVI, AVI To Video

Convert video to AVI Eztoo AVI Video Converter is an excellent tool to convert almost all popular video formats to AVI format. Most multimedia players like Archos Player, iRiver PMP-100, Zen Player and mobile phones support and play these types of videos. It converts the video files with high quality and fast speed. You can customize video size, video quality, audio quality and audio channel in Eztoo AVI Video Converter. Support preview, snapshot, clip, etc. There is a small video player built in Eztoo AVI Video Converter. You can preview the video files before conversion. Also you can snapshot images and clip any segment when previewing the video file.

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Program Details

Released: 2011-04-22
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 234
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win98,WinXP
Price: $19.95 US