Free Software Downloads::Network & Internet::Network Monitoring::Monitor Wolf

Monitor Wolf 2.00

Monitor Wolf screenshot

Website Monitoring Software to monitor the status and performance of websites.

Website Monitoring Software to monitor the status and performance of multiple web sites. Tests and monitors 3 critical factors to insure a website is responding and functional. Tracks server response using Active Ping technology, verifies DNS resolution and monitors HTTP visibility. Watch response trends displayed graphically and be notified immediately by email or alarm if your site fails or responds slowly. If your web site goes down wouldn't you like to know about it ? The fact is that most Web Hosting companies never bother to notify you when your web site is not responding. If your website is down or responding slowly that can quickly cost you revenue! Monitor Wolf can contact you immediately when a problem occurs so you know what is happening in real time. Accurately measure any web sites performance. Ever wondered if your Web Hosting Company is performing up to acceptable standards? Many Web Hosts "promise" a 99.9% Up-Time but few actually deliver. Monitor Wolf measures important response parameters from any website including average response time, min/max response time, slow response percentage, Up-Time percentage and much more. Now you have a way to decide for yourself if you should keep your current Hosting Company or consider switching to a better performer. Server response is measured and monitored using Active Ping Technology. DNS monitoring insures that your domain name is resolving correctly to your IP address so that your web site can be found. HTTP monitoring verifies that the HTML code on your web page can be downloaded so that your web site is visible to browser requests. Watch response trends displayed graphically: Data is compiled from each ping response and the results plotted to illustrate trends. You will see graphically when your web site is down, responding slowly, or performing flawlessly. Monitor Wolf Website Monitoring Software is distributed as Shareware. FREE 14 Day Trial.

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Program Details

Released: 2009-12-31
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 524
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000,Win98
Price: $39.95 US

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