Free Software Downloads::Web Development::Flash Tools::Unique Gift Maker

Unique Gift Maker 2.5

Unique Gift Maker screenshot

Make dynamic Flash e-gift baskets and e-greeting card for holiday and occasion.

Have you got ready any gift baskets, greeting card for Valentine's day, Christmas, Birthday of your friend or any special occasion? If you want to make gift baskets which could be remembered forever, try UniqueGift Maker. UniqueGiftMaker will help you to make your greetings, questions or anything you want to say in the form of a flash e-gift. You can use UniqueGiftMaker to create E greeting card for your friend, E workout for your son, E Love Letter for your sweetheart, E Photo Album for your wife, E Recipe for your mom, e Fun Story for your child, e Questionnaire for your customer and e SlideShow for your work. And e-books ,e-brochures ,e-publications ,Digital Photo Albums ,Tests, Quizzes and Exams ,e-learning Tools ,Digital Diaries ,Digital Resumes ,Digital Catalogues ,Manuals ,Flyers ,Reports ,Corporate Profiles ,e-presentations ,Internet Publications ,Magazines ,Newsletters ,Email promotions and much more. No matter where she is, the gift of Unique Gift Maker can be sent to him rapidly though internet. It'll be more valuable and significant. You might have to make use of UGM more than 50 times in a year (nearly once a week). Before every festival many kinds of gift's theme, background and music could be downloaded free by members.Each theme shown their designer's ideas. Full features list: 1. More novel and powerful 2. A gift itself 3. New interface with skin 4. Dynamic e-gift 5. Auto get the answers from the receiver by email. It's amazing! 6. Slide show is offered 7. Add e-gift baskets 8. Safer and more reliable 9. Easier and more convenient 10. Show me your imagination Unique Gift Maker is quite different from others. Read above stories which came from other members. Story 1. Use Unique Gift Maker to make an e-greetings card Story 2. An e-paper as an e-gift Story 3. E-love letter auto reply Story 4. How to use Unique Gift Maker to send one a gift in kind Story 5. Do you want to be an astrologer for your friends?

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Program Details

Released: 2006-06-10
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 363
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win98,WinME,Windows2000,WinXP
Price: $29.95 US

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