Free Software Downloads::Audio & Multimedia::Other::Audio Mentor Noise Reduction Software

Audio Mentor Noise Reduction Software 1.4

Audio Mentor Noise Reduction Software screenshot

Easily Restore Treasured Records And Tapes To CD With This Restoration Wizard

Now you can easily restore your treasured audio recordings from record or tape to CD, MP3 or WMA. Don't let a fear of technology get in your way. Audio Mentor, from paves the way for a complete restoration and enhancement of your favorite audio recordings by leading you step by step through the process. Start with hooking up your equipment, setting the recording levels, etc. You don't have to know a thing. With Audio Mentor, each step is outlined completely with our Training Wheels intelligent Help system. Once you've successfully recorded your audio into the computer, Mentor will automatically split your file into individual tracks, compensate for any mistakes you might have made during recording and then go to work enhancing and removing the clicks, pops, hiss, surface noise, hum, name it! All you have to do is move a slider while you're listening to the output and wait until it sounds perfect to your ears...Mentor will do the rest. Once you've completed the restoration and enhancement sections, Mentor now assembles the newly cleaned files into a playlist which you can then copy to an audio CD, archive to some other medium or even compress into WMA or MP3 format. Again...each step of this process is outlined in Training Wheels, so you'll never get lost or frustrated. The only frustration may come when your friends find out how you've made great sounding CDs from your old recordings and they begin to line up outside your house with boxes of old albums, 45s and cassettes waiting for you to work on them. Mentor is only $59, but delivers the same quality tools that you'd find in a professional recording studio. You won't believe how good your favorite tunes can sound once Mentor finishes with them. And because you have the power to control the filtering...Mentor doesn't finish until your ears are happy. This product was designed so that anyone can achieve spectacular results just minutes after opening the box.

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Program Details

Released: 2006-07-01
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 580
License Type: Demo
Platform: WinXP,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium
Price: $29.00 US

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