Free Software Downloads::Games & Entertainment::Action::Adanaxis Rendering Demo

Adanaxis Rendering Demo 0.1.1

Adanaxis Rendering Demo screenshot

First-person space shooter in four spatial dimensions

This is a demo of a forthcoming game in four spatial dimensions. The game takes place in a world entirely different to everyday experience. As well as left/right, up/down and forward/back, there's another direction in space - the fourth dimension. Objects phase in and out as your craft rotates into this hidden dimension. The game uses an all-new 4D texturing method to display the beautiful and fluid rotations and motion that are possible in four dimensions. All ten degrees of freedom are available for mouse and joystick control, to create an environment different to any other game. A simple scanner system and tutorial make the game easy to pick up. This demo contains three levels. A manual is provided in PDF format, and links to let you create your own levels. Display resolution can be selected to match the display, and there are the usual set of configuration and control menus.

[Download] (5859 K)

Program Details

Released: 2006-08-03
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 263
License Type: Demo
Platform: Windows2000,WinXP

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