Free Software Downloads::Desktop::Screen Savers: Other::Majestic Universe

Majestic Universe 1.0

Majestic Universe screenshot

Majestic Universe - 3d space screensaver by 3D Relax. Enjoy beauty of space.

Majestic Universe animated screensaver will bring your dreams come true to see tremendous and captivating outer space and walk about the cosmic endless expanse. You will never forget slow dance of Mars, a look of covering nebulas, asteroid belts and star showers, enigmatic ice deserts and power of roaring flame which you will see while walking on the planets. Make a trip to the stars and be in the seventh heaven with breathtaking majesty of the Universe!

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Program Details

Released: 2007-01-05
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 338
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP
Price: $23.99 US

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