Free Software Downloads::Network & Internet::Remote Computing::Remote Command manager

Remote Command manager 2.5

Remote Command manager screenshot

Remote command execution tool designed for system administration and automation.

RemoteCommand manager is a GUI-based tool that enables you to perform common system administration tasks by executing remote commands on other PCs. Tool has a fast and easy to use interface that supports saving a profiles and command presets. No need to use any console tools. All commands may be run in multithreaded mode. It allows you to execute various actions on remote machines such as: - Execute processes and interactive applications; - Run scripts and batch files; - Install and uninstall software (.msi , .exe packages); - Deploy Service packs and hotfixes; - Distribute registry changes; - And more... Supports versions of Windows 2000 and above, including Server 2003-2008; Does not require to install client part on the remote PCs.

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Program Details

Released: 2009-05-22
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 269
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows Vista Enterprise
Price: $98.00 US

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