Free Software Downloads::Graphic Apps::Other::RFFlow Flowchart Software

RFFlow Flowchart Software 5.06

RFFlow Flowchart Software screenshot

RFFlow - Software for Flowcharts, Organization Charts, and Business Diagrams

RFFlow is the ideal program for creating a wide variety of flowcharts, organization charts, and diagrams for education, business, and industry. It's easy to draw and edit charts with RFFlow. Simply drag a shape from a stencil to your chart. Shapes in RFFlow will automatically size around your text. Right-click on a shape or line to edit its properties. RFFlow includes over 1600 shapes that are carefully organized into stencils designed for specific tasks. The stencils are arranged in an expandable list that allows you to quickly find the stencil or shape you want. Each shape has a tooltip displaying its name or description. RFFlow has stencils for audit objects, brackets, cause-effect (fishbone) diagrams, computer/network design, CPM charts, criminal investigation diagrams, data flow diagrams, database definitions, electrical/electronics, entity relationship diagrams, flowcharting (basic flowcharting, DIN66001, physical flowcharting), fluid power design, gantt charts, genetic pedigree charts, Graham process flow, Greek alphabet, IDEF0, IDEF1X, industrial objects, office layouts, organization charts, pert charts, quality system/ISO 9000 charts, SDL charts, software design (UML, Booch, Gane/Sarson, Shlaer-Mellor OOA,Yourdan, and others), structure charts, timelines, transportation objects and WBS charts. You can use the RFFlow stencils or create your own custom stencils with just the shapes and lines you need. You can import bitmaps and clip art pictures from files or from the Clipboard and add them to a custom stencil. You can also draw your own custom shapes in RFFlow and add them to a stencil. Text is entered and formatted just like it is in your word processor. RFFlow is an OLE server so you can easily copy and paste your charts into Word or other Windows applications. You can embed or link your chart. RFFlow allows you to save your charts in GIF, JPEG, and HTML formats for use on Web sites. Technical support is free and unlimited.

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Program Details

Released: 2010-05-10
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 427
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinOther,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP,Other
Price: $49.00 US

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