Free Software Downloads::Desktop::Screen Savers: Other::Airliners First Edition

Airliners First Edition 1

Airliners First Edition screenshot

Airliners First Edition is a screen saver that has over 120 high quality photos

Airliners First Edition is a screen saver that has over 120 high quality airliner images. It features airlines that fly into Charlotte Douglas International Airport every day. This product was developed by amateur photographer Stephen MacPherson. His love for aviation drives him to get the action shots that others would be looking for. In this screensaver you will find daytime, dusk, and brilliant colored night shots. You will see such planes as the Airbus A319, A320, A321, and the very popular Boeing 737 one of the most sold airliners in the world. You will also find other Boeing models such as the 747 and others. Some of the carriers that you will see are Northwest Airlines, US Airways, Delta Airlines, AirTran, American Airlines, Fed Ex, DHL, UPS, and Continental. If you love aviation you will love this screen saver.

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Program Details

Released: 2008-07-01
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 205
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP
Price: $10.00 US

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