Free Software Downloads::Web Development::Flash Tools::CellSoftNet Page Builder

CellSoftNet Page Builder 2.2

CellSoftNet Page Builder screenshot

Create impressive fullscreen Flash webpages.

Page Builder V2.2 has all that is required to make a fullscreen webpage maximum 1260 x 768 or multiple pages. No complex programming required, just drag the objects into place either from within the program or import them. To help get you started 100 fully functional templates are built into the program. You can modify the templates in what ever way you choose including adding your own photos, a 1000+ animations (the list is growing), text, music, etc. The flash pages can be easily stacked either horizontally or vertically to meet your demands. Flash pages will load independently with their own preloaders. When you have completed designing your webpage click on the "Create" button to build all the files and add them to a folder of your choice. From there they can easily be added to a folder on your website/server including the html file that you link to. It's an easy 3 step process. Making a webpage could not be easier. > 10 Video players and skin menu included. > 100 templates built in. > Over 1000 flash animations can be selected from the menu. > 100s of background images > 30 pages of Flash buttons.

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Program Details

Released: 2008-05-26
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 189
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,Win7 x32,Win7 x64
Price: $19.95 US

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