Free Software Downloads::Security & Privacy::Password Managers::Mikey

Mikey 1.5

Mikey screenshot

Store passwords, user ids, activation codes and more.  Print, export, and search

Mikey keeps track of your login usernames, user ids, passwords, web page logins, email accounts; you name it. Now you only have to remember one password for Mikey to keep your information private. Mikey will secure your information with a single access password and a unique file encryption method. Open up Mikey and you get one click access to enter passwords, activation codes or any other similar data. Easily search, print, or delete entries all from one screen. Easily print individual entries or even export the entire database in two popular formats. Mikey has a unique approach to auto fill forms. You control the information that Mikey gives out. When you need a username or password simply search for the item then click on the clipboard icon to transfer that information to the clipboard. Then you can paste it right to the place where you need it. This unique feature makes Mikey perfect for use on computers with more than one person. Since Mikey is password protected you no longer have to worry about those pesky password managers that auto fill forms giving out your personal information to other users

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Program Details

Released: 2007-03-05
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 436
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Mac OS X,Mac Other,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Price: $11.95 US

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