Free Software Downloads::Communications::Other E-Mail Tools::Advanced Mailcheck+

Advanced Mailcheck+ 2.5

Advanced Mailcheck+ screenshot

Let your keyboard lights blink when getting a mail ! And much more...

With Advanced Mailcheck+, you'll never miss an email again, even if you're not sitting in front of your computer. Advanced Mailcheck+ notifies you in case of emails on your mailsever. No matter if you play a game in full screen mode, the screensaver runs, or if you are drinking a nice cup of coffee in another room...! You can preview your emails without starting a big mail application, and if the mail is spam, delete it immediately with advanced mailcheck from your account ! Previewing mails with amc+ is completely harmless, amc+ uses a special "only-text" mode, which displays viruses, trojans and other spam without any risk. Don't load the spam on your computer, delete it on the server - with Advanced Mailcheck+ Notify options in Advanced Mailcheck+: -blinking Keyboard - LEDs -plays Audio Wave-File (repeatable) -PC Speaker(repeatable) -Taskbaricon -Popup Window Supports all Pop3 and IMAP accounts, even Googlemail (Gmail) accounts and AOL mailaccounts are supported.

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Program Details

Released: 2006-11-04
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 283
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003
Price: $13.99 US

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