Free Software Downloads::System Utilities::Printer::PrinterAdmin Print Polisher

PrinterAdmin Print Polisher 1.0

PrinterAdmin Print Polisher screenshot

PrinterAdmin Print Polisher saves you 50 percent in ink,  toner and pape cost

PrinterAdmin Print Polisher is a virtual printer driver that unlocks the hidden power of your printer. With CZ Print Polisher you can easily preview printing task, print multiple pages per sheet, define margins, skip pages from printing, export to BMP, JPG, TIFF, EMF, TGA etc, Watermark your printed content and many more excited features which will unlock the hidden power of your printer and save you time in customizing your print jobs and also save you up to 50 percent in ink, toner and paper costs. Key Features: Zoom in/Zoom out Print Preview. Print multiple pages on single paper sheet. Skip pages from Printing, right at the time of Printing! Add Headers and Footer to first or each Paper Sheet with user name, computer name...etc easily. Add Multiline Watermarks. Export Print Page to BMP,JPG,TIFF,EMF,TGAPCX,JP2,JPC,PGX,PCX,RAS,PNM Images with only one mouse click. Define Margins as per your need, with just few mouse clicks. Send Print Preview of complete Sheet as an attachment with Email. Set Border for your page. Add a touch of Professional feel by inserting Water Mark Text on each Paper Sheet. Define the rules for Header and Footer (first page/each page, first sheet/each sheet.) Set Left/Center/Right alignment for Headers and Footers. Clipboard Copy as Bitmap/EMF support.

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Program Details

Released: 2008-09-01
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 332
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate,Windows Vista Business x64,Windows Vista Enterprise x64,Windows Vista Ultimat
Price: $40.00 US

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