Free Software Downloads::System Utilities::File Compression::PDF Shrink

PDF Shrink 2.0

PDF Shrink screenshot

Are your pdf files to big? This is the ultimate tool to compress existing pdfs.

Are your pdf files to big? With PDF Shrink you have to ultimate tool to compress existing pdf files. The program compresses all pictures in the pdf file with the JPEG2000 (color pictures) or the JBIG2 (b/w pictures) compression. You can choose the resulting size for the JPEG2000 pictures. If your files does not contain big pictures but many line objects (CAD file) or many embedded fonts our program can help you too. In this case you have to option to save the complete content of one page as JPEG2000 or JBIG2 picture. You can choose the resolution which fits your needs. 300 DPI for printouts and 150 DPI for Internet for example. A complete page in b/w compressed with JBIG2 can be as small as 12 KB. The program can convert as much files as you want with one mouse click in the batch conversation mode. You can also call the program from command line.

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Program Details

Released: 2012-05-29
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 685
License Type: Demo
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000,WinServer,WinVista x64
Price: $29.00 US

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