Free Software Downloads::Graphic Apps::CAD::3DFieldPro

3DFieldPro 4.1.3

3DFieldPro screenshot

Create contour maps. Gridding scattered points.  Rotate image

3DFieldPro is a contouring plotting and 4D-3D data program. It converts your data into contour maps, surface or volume plots. 3DFieldPro allows create the contours (isolines) on surface and isosurfaces in volume from regular data set or scattered points. All aspects of 2D or 3D maps can be customized to produce exactly the presentation you want. Rotate image Other options: - Automatic or user-defined contour intervals and ranges; - Control over contour label format, font, frequency and spacing; - Automatic or user-defined color for contour lines; - Color and texture fill between contours, either user- specified or as an automatic spectrum of your choice; - Base map attached to data points; - Data analysis, histogram for scattered and interpolated grid values; - Filter and other math operation for grid; - 2D data regression; - Alpha shape; - Convex hull for points; - Transparent background and contour map; - Rotated and transparent 2D image; - Splines for lines and contours; - View and zoom BMP, GIF, PNG, JPG, TIFF and GeoTIFF images; - Automatically and manually digitize image; - Import and export polylines; - Ascending or descending sort for values or coordinates of points; - OpenGL view with full screen rotation; - Textures; - Convert a contour bitmap to a 3D view; - Output maps as EMF, WMF, BMP, JPG, PNG, GeoTIFF file formats - Insert maps (vector EMF or bitmap) in any document Microsoft Office; - Multipage scale print; - Multilingual interface;

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Program Details

Released: 2015-01-21
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 405
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Price: $399.00 US

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