Free Software Downloads::System Utilities::System Maintenance::WinUpdatesList

WinUpdatesList 1.32

WinUpdatesList screenshot

Displays the list of all Windows updates (Service Packs and Hotfixes).

WinUpdatesList displays the list of all Windows updates (Service Packs and Hotfixes) installed on your local computer. For hotfix updates, this utility also displays the list of files updated with these hotfixes. In addition, it allows you to instantly open the Web link in Microsoft Web site that provides more information about the selected update, uninstall an update, copy the update information to the clipboard, or save it to text/HTML/XML file.

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Program Details

Released: 2014-01-22
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 341
License Type: Freeware
Platform: Win98,WinXP

Related Listings

Displays the list of all Windows updates (Service Packs and Hotfixes).