Security Process Explorer 1.6
Security Process Explorer screenshot |
Security Process Explorer is an enhanced task manager, that provides advanced information about programs and processes running on the computer. It displays all the standard information, including file name, directory path, description, CPU usage etc. as well as a unique security risk rating. This rating is conclusive and relies on the expertise of the user to determine whether the process should be terminated or removed. Security Process Explorer allows you to monitor CPU and memory usage graphs per process, view detailed processes information (with descriptions), stop and start new processes, set priorities and much more. You can easily find and remove unnecessary background processes as well as assigning more resources to demanding processes like games, realtime multimedia applications and cd writing softwares.
Program Details
Released: | 2007-11-04 |
More: | All programs by this author |
Downloads: | 481 |
License Type: | Freeware |
Platform: | WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows Vista Home Premium,Windows Vista Business,Windows Vista Enterprise,Windows Vista Ultimate,Windows Vista H |
Homepage: | |
Price: | Freeware |
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