Free Software Downloads::Education::Other::Supertime 2000 Class Timetable Software

Supertime 2000 Class Timetable Software 2.0

Supertime 2000 Class Timetable Software screenshot

Software to schedule Class Timetables in Schools and Colleges

Supertime 2000 is a software to set up class timetables on a PC. It receives placement parameters and availability of classes and resources (including teachers, labs etc.). With these, as basis it sets class and resource timetables. Where possible, it automatically resolves availability clashes of class and resource. Also, it counsels alterations that may lead to allocation of unresolved clashes. Supertime 2000 lets you: Set timetables for 999 resources and classes in one school. Create upto 9 such schools for an institution. Make unlimited installations. Relate schedules of schools with one another with regards to availability of common teachers and classes. And this works even if the schools have different commencing time, recess duration/occurence or period duration. Set timetable upto: 9 days per timetabling week cycle with upto 12 periods per day. Provide class / resource availability of choice. Supports part time availability. Create logical student groups (classes) within a Grade based on their subject selection or any criteria. Avail of separate schedules for each such logical group. Allocate the Grade as a whole in the timetable too. As a bonus, maintain student records for each group as well. Provide placement of choice combinations: group, controlled, cluster, many to many and random through providing constraints. Analyse a class / resource timetable on-screen. Alter an allocated period; make a specific period available / not available. If these alterations are made in a class, the resource is automatically updated and vice versa. Review your inputs through charts. Migrate reports to MS Word, Excel, Text.. Make individual alterations after the timetable is set. Make day to day proxy (substitution) management for absentee teachers. Print or Display class / resource / consolidated school time. Reference on-line help, recorded tutorials and comprehensive manual. Avail prompt support on email.

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Program Details

Released: 2007-11-23
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 503
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win95,Win98,WinXP
Price: $49.99 US

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