Free Software Downloads::Business::Calculators & Converters::LoanExpert Plus

LoanExpert Plus 5.0.2

LoanExpert Plus screenshot

Loan and mortgage analysis and amortization tool. Calculate loan variables fast.

LoanExpert is your complete loan and mortgage calculator and analysis tool for Palm OS® handhelds, Pocket PC or Windows Mobile handhelds, and Windows PCs! Calculate interest rate, price, down payment, loan length, and more! Save scenarios for easy loan comparisons. Supports interest only loans. Quick Calculations - enter as few as 3 variables and calculate the 4th of payment, price, interest rate, and length. Save Loan Scenarios - save any number of loan scenarios you create. Create multiple scenarios and compare them. Save scenarios for various clients. Password Protected - keep your loan information private. Loan Amortization - effortlessly generate an amortization table. See how much of your payment is interest or principal. Find out how much principal has been paid by a certain payment date, and more! US/Canadian Mortgages - choose whether to calculate the mortgage based on US or Canadian compounding. Includes optional Palm OS and Pocket PC / Windows Mobile software.

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Program Details

Released: 2010-07-14
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 340
License Type: Demo
Platform: Handheld/Mobile Other,Palm,Pocket PC,Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinXP
Price: $29.99 US

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