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TrendProphecy Ultimate SP 4.0

TrendProphecy Ultimate SP screenshot

TrendProphecy Ultimate - Trend Trading SP500, Nasdaq 100, Dow Jones

TrendProphecy Ultimate - Live short and Long-term DayTrend for SP500, Nasdaq 100 and Dow Jones E-mini (ES,NQ,YM). The TrendProphecy's trading method developed especially for the professional Futures Daytrader, differs from other systems, in that it computes a confirmed entry signal using our proprietary algorithms - and then eventually during the Trend a warning (Alert) is shown if/when the Trend becomes unstable, which is not the same as a change of the Trend. TrendProphecy Ultimate is working with three trade modes,Aggressive, Moderate &Conservative. The algorithm works with a combination of the Trade Modes and are developed for both the Active Scalper as well as the more conservative trader. TrendProphecy Ultimate constantly monitor if the Trend stays Stable or not, or if the Trend Changes. That's a huge difference from other systems claiming that they in advance can tell you the next move already when you enter a trade. Without being in possession of the magic crystal ball that is not possible. The visual Warning TrendUnstable is meant to inform a possible change, and should be used as an early exit point for aggressive Scalp Traders. If/When the warning changes to Trend Stable, the Scalp Trader can eventually enter the same market Trend again, and so on. For the more conservative Trend/Swing traders the alert Trend Unstable is a Stop signal if the position is still open. Users can either go Long, Stay in position or sell Short during the trading day in order to benefit from the current trend. Access to historical performance based upon active day trading, showing the possible Buy, Sell and Alert signals for each day. Data can be saved to spreadsheets for further analysis. The new Stop Profit/Loss functions further help the trader to develop a trading strategy tailored to the current market trends behavior. TrendProphecy Ultimate - The Trend Calls to produce a profit are normally between 90-100 % correct! - check history to confirm this.

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Program Details

Released: 2012-06-22
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 181
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000
Price: $99.95 US

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