Free Software Downloads::System Utilities::Backup & Restore::Leo Backup

Leo Backup 2.0

Leo Backup screenshot

Leo Backup: the program to keep you data on secure SFTP and SSL/TLS servers

Leo Backup is a program designed for Windows and intended for backing up your data in various locations, including secure servers (SFTP and FTP/SSL) and network drives. Effective file protection and access verification options let you keep your network and data intact and maintain a stable and secure data management. Secure protocols support, interface password, special authorization methods, files encryption provide you and your company with indispensable safety level. The built-in ZIP compression increases the backup speed and saves the storage space on your drive. E-mail Notification allows inform you about the backup status by e-mail, and it can be especially useful for network administrators who have to back up tons of data and to control multiple backup processes. With "Pre and Pro running" option is you can easily adjust your programs functionality to your backup plan by launching the backup task before or after some program client's run to avoid any incompatibility, system hanging or surplus resources consumption. With Scheduler option you can avoid these problems by launching backup process in the most convenient time. Incremental backup allows you reducing the time to complete your backup tasks and keep your processed files up-to-date. Be sure that your data is well protected, use the extremely covered backup methods and don't worry about the data leakage.

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Program Details

Released: 2010-07-20
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 173
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000,Windows2000,Windows2003,WinServer,Win98,WinME
Price: $39.95 US

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