Free Software Downloads::Business::Office Suites & Tools::ExcelPipe Find and Replace for Excel

ExcelPipe Find and Replace for Excel 6.6a

ExcelPipe Find and Replace for Excel screenshot

Search and Replace multiple Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, change links/addresses

Search and Replace multiple Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Change hyperlinks and UNC paths when servers get renamed; update contact details such as names, addresses and phone numbers; translate spreadsheets with find/replace lists; update Microsoft SharePoint documents or Microsoft Namespace Server mappings. Using ExcelPipe is simple. 1) Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer to ExcelPipe, or right-click the files or folders to process in Windows Explorer and choose ExcelPipe. 2) Add one or more search/replace pairs. 3) Go! ExcelPipe can change thousands or millions of spreadsheets, and can make multiple changes simultaneously to save time. It automatically handles read-only files, passwords and other protection, and it can be automated to run overnight or over a weekend. No user interaction is required. It even includes restart recovery in case Microsoft Excel crashes! ExcelPipe offers many more search and replace options than Microsoft Excel; such as hyperlinks, text boxes, shapes, document properties (such as Title, Subject, Author, Company etc) and more. EasyPatterns and Perl regex patterns can also be used. VBA Code Modules can be updated - even if protected with a password. Unlike competing products, ExcelPipe is fully Unicode compliant (allowing Find and Replace with international character sets), and can handle an unlimited number of spreadsheets and find/replace pairs. Now can alter the Connection strings of Query Tables and Pivot Tables - ADO, DAO, OLEDB and ODBC database queries, Web queries etc. ExcelPipe can search/replace both .XLS and .XLSX Excel document formats. NEW! Now can update the connection strings of Query Tables and Pivot Tables - ADO, DAO, OLEDB and ODBC database queries, web queries etc. Try it today - and see why Microsoft recommends ExcelPipe to its customers!

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Program Details

Released: 2014-11-20
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 297
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,Win2000,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows Vista Ultimate,Windows Vista Ultimate x64,Win98,WinME,WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x,Win95,Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005,Windows Media Center Edition 2005,
Price: $49.95 US

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