Free Software Downloads::Development::Components & Libraries::OraTau PLD Plugin

OraTau PLD Plugin 1.3.2

OraTau PLD Plugin screenshot

OraTau PLD Plug-in is Allround Automations PL/SQL Developer plugin.

OraTau PLD Plug-in is Allround Automations PL/SQL Developer plugin. The plugin aims to higher simplification and increase of productivity and comfort while working with RDBMS Oracle via PL/SQL Developer. Key features: - "OraTau Logon" offers an alternative way to view user list available for logon. - "OraTau Database script execution" allows running a script on behalf of many users with a single operation. - "OraTau Quick Query". If you often need to take values from different source tables (directories, customer lists etc.) while writing a query or a script, the Quick Query tool is for you! With Quick Query you can build a set of frequently used queries and run them with a hot key at any time. Then, upon a script execution, you simply double-click the query result cell to paste the required value into the resulting text and with a single key press paste it to the PL/SQL Developer editor window or copy it to the clipboard. - "OraTau Save As". You can save temporary file into the plugin's temp folder or use the default save dialog of PL/SQL Developer to save the file prior to editing (the default filename is the name of the DB object being edited). You can also save spec and body of types and packages as separate files in addition to the main file of a package or a type (optionally). - "OraTau Save". This is an alternative to the standard Save operation of PL/SQL Developer. You can additionally enable the backup files history option. - "OraTau Comment". You can comment/uncomment a selected text with line comments (--) with the same hotkey/action. A comment is added to the minimum position of the first visible symbol of every line in a selected text. This means that upon any subsequent reformatting of the code, each commented line shifts to the right to the length of the comment string (--) only.

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Program Details

Released: 2011-01-19
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 125
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,Win7 x32,Win2000
Price: $23.00 US

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