Free Software Downloads::Security & Privacy::Access Control::imlSoft Application Lock

imlSoft Application Lock 2.2.3

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Password protect any programs on computer

imlSoft Application Lock can lock any executable programs on your local computer,anyone can not run the locked programs without a password. So,if you do don't want other persons to use your tax preparation software, personal finance or other programs you like, you simply need to run this uility. 1 Password protect application With it's help, Users can add password protection to lock an specific program in Windows. 2 Support locking 32 or 64 bits Program imlSoft Application Lock can lock and unlock any program on your pc. 3 Support command line arguments You can run it with commamd line arguments to lock or unlock programs . 4 Password Protected Uninstall It is a password-locked software,that is to say,there's no other way to run or unstall it if you have not the password.

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Program Details

Released: 2013-05-14
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 180
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Price: $19.95 US

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   imlSoft Application Lock
Password protect any programs on computer