Free Software Downloads::Network & Internet::Other::Email, Phone and Fax Extractor

Email, Phone and Fax Extractor 4.0

Email, Phone and Fax Extractor screenshot

Email, Phone and Fax extractor tool, with exclusive filter and merge data

Advanced and powerfull email, phone and fax extractor tool from website, popular search engines (google, altavista, excite, yahoo, infoseek etc.) using keywords for targeted consumer, internet marketing, website promotion, list management and research. You can build business mailing lists for email marketing, advertising. Using Email, Phone and Fax extractor you can not only limit spdering depth, you also can cut off unnecessary text or phrases during extraction. It is very flexible and can be used to extract data from internet using file containing list of urls. You can filter the extracted email and merge with other data according to your business needs. You can also save data in different format (csv, html, Excel or plain text).

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Program Details

Released: 2012-02-08
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 242
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003,Vista
Price: $109.95 US

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