Free Software Downloads::Desktop::Themes & Wallpaper::SE-DesktopConstructor

SE-DesktopConstructor 1.3.1

SE-DesktopConstructor screenshot

Free desktop design utility : customize wallpaper, color it and enjoy!

SE-DesktopConstructor is free design utility for your PC desktop. It allows you to change background image from selected folder dinamically. Background can be updated periodically - every day, every 12 hours, every hour, even every minute! If you don't like images on your desktop just color it or use gradient to get simple and stylish background. With the SE-DesktopConstructor you can place clock on your desktop. It can be digital or analog clock. There are 20 clock presets and you can customize them to your taste. You can also add calendar to your desktop. If you like colorful background you need a place where your icons would't be lost. Just create colored or gradient areas under your desktop icons and they will always visible. You can use SE-DesktopConstructor anywhere, thanks to the portability function! Just copy application to your USB storage and use it on any PC.

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Program Details

Released: 2011-01-23
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 199
License Type: Freeware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000

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Free desktop design utility : customize wallpaper, color it and enjoy!