Free Software Downloads::Network & Internet::File Sharing/Peer to Peer::Torrent Captor

Torrent Captor 3.6.0

Torrent Captor screenshot

Torrent Captor is a complex BitTorrent client with multiple torrent downloads.

Torrent Captor is a highly-developed BitTorrent client, practical to a wide range of users that was specifically created to make the best out of your limited upload bandwidth. This powerful torrent downloading tool employs the code of the popular Azureus and enhances some of the basic features for an improved functionality. Using Torrent Captor, whether a novice in this kind of software or a very experienced user, you'll get access to a most efficient download process optimized by tones of convenient features such as multiple simultaneous downloads, handy start/stop seeding options, instant access to detailed data about your torrents and queuing/priority systems for both torrents and files. Torrent Captor uses two main windows, large suggestive icons and a useful display of tabs and options to create the perfect environment for a care-free downloading process. It also offers a great plug-in system. Torrent Captor's basic features: - Multiple simultaneous torrent downloads; - Advanced configuration settings; - Nice-looking interface - Advanced seeding rules; - Enables upload and download speed limiting, both globally and per torrent; - Only employs one port for all the torrents; - Fast resume; - Can import torrents from a set dir automatically; - Can set a default download directory and transfer complete files; - UPnP sets the forward on your router; - Offers support for al MS Windows OS; - Adjustable disk cache.

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Program Details

Released: 2016-04-19
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 259
License Type: Freeware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinOther

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