Free Software Downloads::Audio & Multimedia::Video Tools::IP Camera CCTV Calculator

IP Camera CCTV Calculator 2.0

IP Camera CCTV Calculator screenshot

IP video bandwidth and storage space calculalator

IP Camera CCTV Calculator is a professional tool for calculating network bandwidth needed for IP cameras (video encoders) and disk space required for storing video archives. With IP Camera CCTV Calculator you can: Calculate network traffic generated by IP cameras and video encoders for the proper design of IP CCTV systems. Calculate disk space required for storing video archives during a specified time. Calculation can be carried out for IP video cameras that generate up to 3 simultaneous video streams (Viewing, Recording, Alarm recording) with different resolution, compression, frame rate and recording time. Calculation can be carried out for a single IP camera, all cameras in the project, as well as for isolated groups of cameras, that is useful to estimate the load of separate network segments or equipment. Filtering and sorting are possible in the Table. It is possible to correct intermediate results of calculations (frame size, traffic) if you know more accurate experimental data. Calculations are based on practical results of measuring traffic. The results are combined in the Calculation Patterns, which are editable text files. Special patterns can be created by skilled users or manufacturers (distributors) of CCTV equipment by practical measurements of traffic for certain equipment, scenes and compression algorithms. Different IP cameras in one project can be assigned different patterns. The patterns can include a list of supported IP camera models. If any model from the list is assigned to a IP camera in the table, then calculation for the IP camera performs according to the pattern. Thus the maximum possible calculation accuracy can be achieved. The patterns can contain results of traffic measurements for some averaged scene with correction factors for its complexity and activity, and the results of traffic measurement for real scenes.

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Program Details

Released: 2011-09-29
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 244
License Type: Demo
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000
Price: $48.00 US

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