Visual Explorer 3.2
Visual Explorer screenshot |
Visual Explorer is the ultimate, full featured web browser that comes with advanced privacy and security features, one-click Google searches, support for Internet Explorer favorites, add-ons and much more. Your privacy protected - easily remove private data such as web site addresses you have typed into the address bar or content from web pages you have visited. Use the Cloaking Device feature to make the browser semi-transparent so casual observers cannot snoop on your browsing activities. Security when surfing - the integrated safety filter protects you against phishing websites. It performs checks before loading each web page and, unlike other browsers, also uniquely checks the final destination page (to protect you against the original website re-directing you to a phishing website). Instantly find text on the current web page - with options to highlight all instances, using the Advanced Find toolbar. Perform Google searches with a single click - right-click any word or phrase on the current web page to search for it using Google or your favorite search engine. Additional pre-installed search sites include Yahoo, YouTube, Amazon, eBay and Facebook. Block unwanted ads and other media - with a range of content filters, Visual Explorer gives you control over what you see. Easily block unwanted websites or website content from appearing (Flash adverts, pop-ups, harmful scripts and more). Access your favorite video sites with a single click - the Video View interface provides a purpose designed environment for watching videos from popular video sharing sites. The Remove Noise feature enables you to watch YouTube videos in a clean and clear interface, with the "background noise" turned off. Customize to suit your needs - Visual Explorer is fully customizable from themes and skins to mouse gestures, keyboard shortcuts, toolbars and menus. Visual Explorer supports Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7.
Program Details
Released: | 2012-03-25 |
More: | All programs by this author |
Downloads: | 355 |
License Type: | Freeware |
Platform: | WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000,WinOther,Win98 |
Homepage: | |
Price: | Freeware |
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