Free Software Downloads::Network & Internet::Download Managers::RipTiger Basic

RipTiger Basic 3.3.8

RipTiger Basic is a reliable and user-friendly software to download online videos. It supports most of online video formats: Flash Video (HTTP and RTMP),Windows Media (HTTP, MMS and RTSP), Real Audio and Real Video (HTTP and RTSP), MPEG, QuickTime, Streaming MP3 (Shoutcast). This is why you'll be able to record online videos from almost any website in the net! As you see, it will be useful both for skilled and newbie users, because every day there are many situations, when to record streaming video would make your life easier! It has many features which are not available in other analogues of this software, here're some of them: it downloads videos on the fly and you don't have to keep your browser turned on until a video gets captured, it records videos with up to 20x speed, which makes downloading an easy and fast process. Just imagine that you could download videos without any additional annoying advertisements! RipTiger was created to help you with that headache! Just imagine that you could download video without quality loss! RipTiger will download a video with the exact quality it was uploaded to a video server! Need to download more than 1 video, but don't want to wait? It's not a problem at all as RipTiger will download simultaneously as many videos as you like! All the most popular online video sharing services do not allow to download video. Here's a short list of services which are available to download from using RipTiger: YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo and so on! Actually if you want to download a video without opening a web browser at all - it's also not a problem! RipTiger allows to download videos straightly from URL's you past ! This is why you shouldn't hesitate to give this awesome application a try. Be sure, that you won't imagine your daily surfing life without this app, because using it you'll get all the newest films, music videos, TV shows straight to your PC and you'll able to share all that highly valuable media with your friends!

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Program Details

Released: 2012-06-11
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 287
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Price: $24.99 US

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