Free Software Downloads::Business::Calculators & Converters::Matrices calculator

Matrices calculator 2.0

Matrices calculator screenshot

Can do lots of operations on real and complex matrices and can be programmed

Can do lots of operations on real and complex matrices and can be programmed to do programs that manipulate matrices. Operations include inverse, determinants, solve system of equations,LU factorization,QR decomposition,Eigen values,Rank and much more You can write your programs that manipulate matrices.You don't write program commands you just choose options and the program generates the code for you. You can record the operation performed in a matrices session.You can print out the work performed in a matrices session and more.

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Program Details

Released: 2011-07-06
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 197
License Type: Commercial
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64
Price: $25.00 US

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