Free Software Downloads::Business::Project Management::Xpert-Timer BASIC

Xpert-Timer BASIC 3.0.1

The working day is over and yet again you are wondering where all your time has gone? If you want to identify your time wasters and optimize your workflow, you should have a look at Xpert-Timer Basic. This version is available for 69.- USD and targets freelancers and single users. The Basic version focuses on time tracking and reporting only. A document management, invoice module or client management is not included.(Please refer to Xpert-Timer Pro) Especially freelancers often don't keep track of how much time they spent on certain projects. It's so important to know, whether your estimation was correct, so you charge enough the next time you work on a similar project. Xpert-Timer is an easy to use application that can save you time and money. And all it needs is a couple of steps to create the projects, hit start and there you go...the time is running. There is a wide variety of reports included in Xpert-Timer. You can design your own print templates, so the reports are printed with your own company logo. Also, you can set prices for every single project and also for yourself as the user. Therefore every project and every sub project can have its' own price. Perfect for your profit / loss calculation. Try this project time tracking software for 30 days without limitation. You'll be impressed!

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Program Details

Released: 2012-08-16
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 161
License Type: Commercial
Platform: Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Price: $69.00 US

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