Free Software Downloads::Development::Management & Distribution::License Activation and Validation Proxy

License Activation and Validation Proxy 1.4.1

License Activation and Validation Proxy screenshot

License Activation and Validation Proxy Server for online license connectivity.

License Activation and Validation Proxy Server handles license activation requests and forward to any Auto License Generation and Activation Server or Online.License4j License4J License Manager GUI tool stores products, templates, and licenses in a defined database server. When a database server other than local embedded database is selected in options, license activation features and product auto license generation settings are enabled. License4J License Activation and Validation Proxy Server is a simple proxy server to direct all incoming license activation and online license key validation requests to a defined Auto License Generation and Activation Server or Online.License4J. License Activation and Validation Proxy Server is appropriate for environments in which security concerns may restrict direct access to the Internet. License Activation and Validation Proxy Server is free to use and distribute with your product, also it supports software white-labeling so it can be fully customized. You may use and distribute server setup files or a custom installer with your product for installation by your customers.

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Program Details

Released: 2014-12-16
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 560
License Type: Freeware
Platform: Linux,Linux Console,Linux Gnome,Linux GPL,Mac OS X,Unix,Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinOther,WinServer,WinXP

Related Listings

   License Activation and Validation Proxy
License Activation and Validation Proxy Server for online license connectivity.
   License Generation and Activation Server
Auto generates licenses and handles license activation requests.