Free Software Downloads::Business::Office Suites & Tools::mightymacros Excel Utilities

mightymacros Excel Utilities 3.29

mightymacros Excel Utilities screenshot

mightymacros provides a useful set of tools for Excel

mightymacros simplifies many repetitive tasks in Excel with a useful set of tools with fast access from the cell short-cut menu. The utilities come with on-line help and include: 1. A shortcut organizer to store your file and folder paths. 2. A workbook multi-sheet protection tool. 3. A Multi-find tool for finding multiple items with a single click. 4. A navigation tool for large worksheets. 5. A multi-lookup tool that can return more than the first match. 6. A multi-header lookup tool that performs multiple lookups across a worksheet. 7. A multi-find and replace tool 8. A multi-filter tool that you can save and retrieve your filter criteria 9. A store text and insert text tool to save repetitive typing. 10. A bookmarks tool where you can sort and arrange sheets, 11, A Clean and trim text tool 12. Delete empty rows 13. Insert rows on changing values. 14. Show duplicates as well as all repeating values. 15. Change case 16. Edit Cells, insert, move, delete, characters and text within cells 17. A rounding number tool 18. A variety of date tools and more...

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Program Details

Released: 2014-10-18
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 206
License Type: Freeware
Platform: WinXP,Win7 x32,WinServer,WinVista,Windows 8

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