Free Software Downloads::Audio & Multimedia::CD Burners::SoftMine CD-DVD Burner

SoftMine CD-DVD Burner 1.5.0

SoftMine CD-DVD Burner screenshot

SoftMine CD-DVD Burner is a multipurpose CD/DVD burning program.

SoftMine CD-DVD Burner is a most useful program anyone can rely on to back up their data. The app allows you to record any type of files easily and includes all the features needed for basic and advanced burning. You can store your favorite movies, music, documents, apps and games so you may carry them anywhere with you using one of the fastest and most solid burning systems available. Softmine CD-DVD Burner's main window displays six large icons: Data Disc (CD/DVD), Audio Disc, Video Disc, Write Image, Copy Disc, Read Disc plus a customizable toolbar at the top. To access it, go to 'View' (at the top of the window), click on 'Toolbars' and then press 'Customize'. For more configuring abilities use the special icon in the top-right which makes all the features of the app easily available: General, Advanced, Language, Shell Extensions (features). Features included: Support for creating custom data; Support for disc copies; Support for burning disc images (ISO and BIN/CUE); Support for creating audio and mixed-mode projects; User-friendly system that allows you to create rewritable and multisession discs; System to create direct disc copies, on the fly or using a temporary disc image; Saves (and encodes) audio and data tracks to files; Edit options for previous projects; Clears rewritable discs; Dual-layer DVDs recording abilities; Error scanning; plus more.

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Program Details

Released: 2014-10-23
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 415
License Type: Freeware
Platform: WinXP,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8,WinOther,WinVista,Other

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