Free Software Downloads::Communications::Other E-Mail Tools::Save Message

Save Message 2.57

Save Message screenshot

Save message body and attachments to files when message arrives to MS Outlook.

Save Message Action for InboxRULES can automatically save message body and attachments to the disk folder when it arrives to MS Outlook account or MS Exchange Server mailbox. Message body can be saved in Plain, RTF, HTML or Native format. There is a possibility to customize message header in the save file and to include attachments info to the saved file. Save Message can work with attachments which were included or embedded to the message or which were included to the message as OLE object. After saving message or attachment to the file it is possible to launch program with saved file as a parameter. Prior to evaluating Save Message Action it's necessary to download and install InboxRULES engine according your environment (client side or server side version). Please check our website for more details.

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Program Details

Released: 2014-06-04
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 214
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win2000,WinXP,Win7 x32,Windows 8,WinServer,WinVista
Price: $39.95 US

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