Free Software Downloads::Business::Databases & Tools::Geoitem

Geoitem 1.0

Geoitem screenshot

Support of the directory of basic geodetic points

Card file of geodetic items of region (only on russian) Program "Geoitem" is intended for Managements of architecture and town-planning, Committees on land reform of cities and areas, of industrial geodetic firms and is applied to the automated account of basic geodetic items (points) of the appropriate area (city) and provides: * Conducting databases of geodetic points, with sketch and figures of the marks of items in view of conditions of a mode of access to the information; * Automatic creation and seal of cards of geoitems. Program differentiates functionalities in 2 workplaces: * The workplace of the foreman provides a conclusion of the data, drawing up, viewing, fast search and listing of cards of geoitems. * The workplace of the manager provides opportunities of registration allowed to work with TILL the persons, setting their surnames, levels of the admission and individual passwords on an input in system. Other opportunities: * The tables with the data are stored in bases of an open format Microsoft database (*.mdb) and can be processed outside of program "Geoitem" by means Access'97, by necessity, with realization of required accounts and formation of the additional documents. * Executive modules of program are protected with the help of an electronic key of protection and passwords of the users. * Program provides automatic formation of the documents in MS Word'97/2000 for viewing, possible completion, further seal and preservation in these formats on the basis of a standard set of patterns of the documents (In betta  version only "Card of geoitem"). The textual part of patterns of the documents can be edited by means Word'97.

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Program Details

Released: 2001-04-25
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 812
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000,WinXP,Windows2003
Price: $225.00 US

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