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Glucose Journal and Database 2.0

Glucose Journal and Database screenshot

Helps user keep an organized journal of important blood glucose test results.

Diabetes Software: Glucose Journal and Database is a computer glucose diary application for people with diabetes that test their blood sugar. Record, analyze, and organize blood glucose test results. Keep an organized computer journal or diary of your important blood sugar test results. Blood glucose test results are always perfectly ordered by date and time regardless of when the user enters them. A Master Journal displays all records, six Custom Journals only display certain records of the Master Journal that fall within user defined time/date/glucose/note range criteria. The six Custom Journals are; Date, Glucose and Date, Notes, Time and Date, Glucose, and Blood Pressure. Previous Custom Journals can easily be recalled and displayed. Both a pie chart and a bar chart can be displayed and printed. User can optionally recycle accidentally deleted records back into the database. Blood pressure readings can be recorded. User can select between mg/dl or mmol/l for blood glucose measurement recording. User defined notes can be added to each blood glucose record. Average glucose of the currently displayed blood glucose journal is displayed. Text files can be created, displayed, and printed of Master Journal and all six of the Custom Journals. The print outs make great reports to take to your doctor. Easy to use. Point and click data entry. Minimum Operating System required: Windows 95. A printer is recommended.

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Program Details

Released: 2001-11-06
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 624
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win95,Win98,WinME,WinXP
Price: $23.95 US

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