Free Software Downloads::Business::Databases & Tools::Inventory Grabber

Inventory Grabber 1.2

This tool is designed to save CONSIDERABLE times for Resellers and their staff having to manually enter the information about products they sell. Instead, our tool does this automatically from the predefined trustworthy sources. Mainly this concerns the computer components and parts, but can be easily adjusted to any other info according to your needs. The idea is pretty simple. The computer parts are STANDARD, so why everyone has to enter them again and again into their databases, inventories, spreadsheets etc.? Each Brand has a list of well known Series they produce, and Series consist of certain Models that are presented. Further, every Model has certain Parts designed for it, having their description, category, image and other basic info. And all this info is FIXED, it hardly ever changes. Summarizing, the tool offers you a convenient and fast way of getting the required information from the existing sources and provides you with dataset in an Excel, Pdf, or XML format.

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Program Details

Released: 2009-01-01
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 331
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows Vista Ultimate,Windows Vista Ultimate x64,Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005,Windows Media Center Edition 2005,Windows Vista Starter,Windows Vista Home Basic,Windows
Price: $999.00 US

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