Free Software Downloads::Education::Teaching & Training Tools::Xitona Singing Tutor

Xitona Singing Tutor

Xitona Singing Tutor screenshot

Measure voice tone, Improve karaoke singing skills, guitar tuning, play mp3.

Unlike usual karaoke program which just show your rate at the end of song. Singing-Tutor shows your rate during singing, also it visually shows your voice-line and song melody notes so you can immediately correct your voice. Singing Tutor idea is simple. Each note features a defined pitch frequency. The higher note has the higher frequency and vise versa. Singing Tutor allows to measure the pitch frequency of the voice or music, with high precision, and to compare it with pitch frequency of the reference note. Interesting fact: Not everyone knows how to sing well. But peoples without musical training can not understand what is wrong. Among musicians it called by mysterious word - ear for music. This "musical ear" provides some subculture divide everyone into people who have it or not. Nevertheless, ear for music can be evolved. Actually musical ear is just an ability to distinguish sounds of close height. Singing Tutor is wonderful voice tone measurer. Its measure accuracy more than enough to discern sounds, which very close to each other. From that standpoint, he has a great musical ear. It immediately displays your voice tone, and the nearest musical note. So you can adjust your voice, making it slightly above or below. Also it can sing in harmony with you, playing nearest note your voice. In such a way Singing Tutor discover mystery musical ear. And giving you an excellent opportunity to learn sing better. With Singing tutor you can: Measure voice tone, Improve karaoke singing skills, guitar tuning. Sing with mp3 song background and immediately see your singing accuracy visually. Sing karaoke songs (.kar-files). Listen your voice interpreted by MIDI. Sing melody and look how to play it with keyboard instrument. Record and listen your own voice in wav format. Play on your PC keyboard like on musical synthesizer. Impartial Singing Tutor will help you to estimate your abilities and develop your singing skills. Get more on our site:

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Program Details

Released: 2007-05-15
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 782
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003,Windows Vista Home Basic
Price: $11.80 US

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