Free Software Downloads::Education::Science::Soil Liquefaction Analysis Software - NovoLIQ

Soil Liquefaction Analysis Software - NovoLIQ 3.0

Soil Liquefaction Analysis Software - NovoLIQ screenshot

Liquefaction assessment based on SPT, BDT and Shear Wave Velocity (10 methods)

NovoLIQ geotechnical software is a flexible and comprehensive soil liquefaction analysis software covering 10 different analysis methods using the following field tests: -Standard Penetration Test (SPT) -Becker Penetration Test (BPT) -Shear Wave Velocity (Vs) Soil resistance (CRR) is calculated based on: -Seed et al. (1983) -NCEER Workshop (1996) -Vancouver Task Force (2007) -Idriss & Boulanger (2008) -Cetin & Seed (2004) -Japanese Bridge Code -Chinese Code -Tokimatsu-Yoshimi (1983) -Shibata (1981) -Kokusho et al. (1983) Other features of soil liquefaction software include: - Unlimited soil layers - Import soil data from gINT - Supporting both Metric & Imperial units - Post-liquefaction lateral displacement and vertical settlements during liquefaction (6 methods) - Dry sand settlement - Effect of ground improvement on liquefaction - Probability of liquefaction (Youd and Noble / Cetin et al) - All other SPT/BPT/Vs corrections (>6 options) - Direct conversion of Becker Density Test to SPT (2 methods, including friction effect) - Magnitude Scaling Factor (8 options) - Fines content correction (2 options) - Depth reduction factor Rd (3 options) - Flexible report builder - Exporting tabular data into Excel and image formats Visit us at for complete information.

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Program Details

Released: 2009-09-04
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 263
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,WinVista x64,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win2000,WinServer
Price: $735.00 US

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