Free Software Downloads::Education::Science::Cone Penetration Test Software - NovoCPT

Cone Penetration Test Software - NovoCPT 3.0

Cone Penetration Test Software - NovoCPT screenshot

Analysis of cone penetration test,pile bearing,settlement analysis, liquefaction

NovoCPT is designed for processing cone penetration test data and estimation of soil parameters such as friction angle, relative density, unit weight, fines content, shear wave velocity, Gmax, N60, clay sensitivity, OCR, undrained shear strength, soil behavior type (SBT), Ic, at-rest earth pressure coefficient Ko and more. NovoCPT covers soil Behavior Types: 1- Robertson 1990 2- Robertson 1986 3- Jefferies & Been 2006 Engineering analysis tools: 1- Liquefaction analysis with full report and exporting the results to Excel and image formats 2- Shallow footing bearing / settlement analysis (consolidation and elastic) based on Terzaghi and Schmertmann methods, with full report and exporting the results to Excel and image formats 3- Pile bearing capacity analysis (LCPC method) with full report and exporting the results to Excel and image formats All reports can be printed or exported to Excel or image format. The preferences page allows user choose the favorite methods for data interpretation. For more information visit

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Program Details

Released: 2009-09-01
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 253
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinServer,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP
Price: $400.00 US

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