Free Software Downloads::Network & Internet::Search/Lookup Tools::Share Search Tool

Share Search Tool 3.3

Share Search Tool screenshot

Search mp3, movies,  software or other shared files with Rapidshare Search Tool

Share Search Tool is an unique desktop software which enable you to search Share links on the Web with minimal effort. You can easily search for mp3, movies, games, software or other files hosted on a share servers like Rapidshare, Megaupload, Fileserve, Filesonic, Hotfile, Uploading, Letitbit and other. Your only task is to enter your keywords, such as movie title, actress name, software title, and so on. Our software will browse through the Web looking for Share links with your keywords in the title, description or file name and will present you in the detailed list. You will immediately get a link to source page, direct download link, alive status of download link and other informations in one well-arranged table in the style of MS Excel. Are you a software producer? Are you a copyright holder? Lose money and time with searching for links which violates your copyrights? This software enable you to not only search links which violates your copyrights but also manage and send an Abuse Reports as well as monitor state of sent reports in the next days. All major share servers supported include Rapidshare, Easy-Share, Megashare, FileFactory, eZshare and other. Automatic update system keeps the searching scripts up to date. Newly supported share servers will automaticaly add to the program.

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Program Details

Released: 2012-12-01
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 200
License Type: Shareware
Platform: Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinServer,WinVista,WinXP
Price: $19.95 US

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