Free Software Downloads::Security & Privacy::Covert Surveillance::LightLogger KeyLogger

LightLogger KeyLogger

LightLogger KeyLogger screenshot

Great software for recording keystrokes and much, much more on your PC.

Simple-to-use and easy-to-install, LightLogger runs undetected by most users, recording keystrokes in any web page or program, plus web sites visited, clipboard clips, and applications opened. LightLogger can even take screen shots at intervals and file sizes you choose. Only a customizable hot-key combination and password permit access to LightLogger and its logs. LightLogger captures keystrokes in any language installed on your PC and runs on Windows versions XP through Windows 8. Easily switch between any of nine interface languages with two clicks. A great tool for concerned parents who want to keep tabs on their children's computer use, LightLogger also comes in a FREE trial evaluation version. See HeavenWard's articles about children and internet dangers.

[Download] (1930 K)

Program Details

Released: 2014-02-10
More:All programs by this author
Downloads: 3845
License Type: Shareware
Platform: WinXP,WinVista,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,WinVista x64,
Price: $29.95 US

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